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Letters By Grace

Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
Luke 12:27

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Heavenly Father, Thank You Lord that You are real. Thank You that You care for my spiritual well being. Father as I move forward in searching You, growing in You, I ask that You open my understanding. That I accept Your word and your truth. That You give my spirit discernment to know what is of You. I yearn for Your presence. I yearn for Your word. Lead my ways to the path of truth. Amen. 

What does it mean to follow Jesus?

When people think of Christianity they think that God is all about rules. Well how about we throw it all out the window, the “rules” and the word ‘Christianity’. That word, like many others have lost their meanings because people no longer understand the true value of them. So let us toss them.

Jesus said that we ought to be His disciples, a disciple is someone who follows His teachings and not only follows but teaches His teachings. So it is not just about talking the talk, it is about walking the walk.

Yes Jesus has a standard that we should live by, but so does the world and let me give it to you straight, the world does not care about you. Jesus on the other hand gave His life on the cross so that you may live a life abundantly.

What does that mean exactly?

I encourage you to read along as I share Letters weekly on topics that the Lord shares for His people.

Topics get broken down. Questions are asked. Bible remains in context. Above all, God’s word remains His word.

If you have questions or things are not as clear, feel free to contact us and we will gladly respond!

Be blessed friends!


Here is a snippet of some of the Letters that have been written and shared. May they challenge you in the best way possible!

  • Letters
  • Letter 1– Choosing to love Jesus and live for Him is not easy but it is worth it. He made us to be a part of His family which is the reason why He came to fulfill the law so that we would have the ability to be part of His family once again.
  • Letter 4– An all powerful God does not need permission from you and I to carry fourth His will. What is His will you may ask, it is His divine plan.
  • Letter 7– Have you ever experienced a moment where you have two options and you simply cannot decide which to choose so you end up going with both options? Yes, me too. 
  • Letter 9– Definition of ‘finger pointer’- Someone who makes a mistake and expects forgiveness and to be seen in a positive light but turns around to someone else that made the same mistake and shames them instead of having that same compassion and understanding that they wanted and God gave.

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