An Everlasting King-Jesus

King Jesus Christ

Heavenly Father,

Your word states that we are to approach You with thanksgiving. So thank You. Forever thank You for being a good Father, a good Friend, and a good Savior. Thank You for understanding when we don’t feel understood. Thank You for caring when it seems like one cares. Above all, thank You for giving Your life for us on the cross. We could never repay You yet You chose to surrender so that we may have this opportunity to approach You. What a wonderful Father You are.

Oh Lord how marvelous and glorious You are! We do not deserve anything You give but You continue to give faithfully! Holy, Holy, Holy You are King Jesus. Blessed to know You. Blessed that You called me by name. What more could we ask for? What more could satisfy our hearts? Oh Lord, nothing, nothing is enough-just You. You alone are worthy of all honor, glory and all praise.

The Creator

The creator of life. The creator of all that we know. How could someone not want to meet You? How could someone deny You? You are but the very air that we breathe. You are in everything that we see. Every smile. Every tear. You are there. There is no where that You are not.

And even if there was, I would not want to be anywhere where You are not present and available.

You Lord are everything. The love that keeps the heart beating. The love that washed away our sins. A love so powerful that has redeemed us and brought us back to the Father Himself. Oh there is none like Your love.

Your Love is the reason, the power, the freedom, our very existence. Every clump of cell glorifies its maker. How can reason deny that You are true? How can logic argue against You when You are the reason it even exists!

Oh Lord! The heavens exclaim Your glory! Stars, moon, sun, galaxies our very being is a living testimony of Your greatness.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. In seven days You created the very being that would soon bring me into this world. You thought of me that far ahead and perhaps even beyond. How blessed are we to have a creator that proclaims that we are good because of His satisfaction in what He created.

Even though You knew what would happen, You still chose us. Thank You for believing in us even though we did not know we would.

Blessed You are King Jesus, Healer and Redeemer of the world.

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