A Spiritual Warfare-Lord of Host

In The World Of Today

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Heavenly Father, King of kings, Lord of lords, Host of hosts, the Alpha & Omega, the Beginning and the End,

Oh how great it is to be able to approach You! A living God! Thank You Jesus for making way to the Father. Thank You for Your sacrifice that through it we are set to be free and forgiven. Blessed are You oh God and King. You alone are worthy of all Honor, all Glory and all Praise.

Lord as You know the world is falling apart. Everything is being set up in preparation for what You already warned us about through Your word. We ask God that You bring supernatural peace to our hearts, minds and souls. Bring forth courage to stand strong in You. To be a beacon of light to those around us. To be the standing Hope to those that cannot stand.

We seek You

Father, we seek Your guidance, we seek Your faceā€“help us! We cannot survive without You. We recognize that without You we are weak and defeated. Our whole being depends on You and You alone. You said that You answer to those who ask, seek, and knock. So here we are asking, seeking and knocking. Instill within us a fire that cannot be put out. A fire that surpasses all understanding that will take us to the finish line, that is with You.

Lord this world is getting darker but we know that Your grace is enough and as long as there is breath in someone’s lungs, there is hope for them. Help us stand firm in Your word, that we may not be shaken! Whatever storm, whatever dessert, and whatever valley does not compare to Your Love! Your Love is power! It is not weak, the way the enemy has depict it to be. It breaks chains and breaks curses! Your love sets us free! Thank You Jesus!

We pray that people begin to learn to be rooted in You. That they learn to find their identity in You because only You can fill the void in our hearts. Only You can satisfy what we yearn for. You created us for You which is why we yearn to belong. Touch our hearts, change our ways that we may understand and see that we only belong to You. It is all about You Lord.

Thank You

Thank You because You already won the war! You are victorious! You have the last say! So we will run to You and hide in Your presence. Your presence is more than enough. Your presence brings peace, joy and stability. You are the stability we are looking for so thank You for making a way Jesus. Your sacrifice is not in vain! Thank You for saving us from the grip of eternal death! Thank You JESUS!


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