HIM-Glory to the King of kings

To a God that is almighty and powerful. To the Great I Am who does not need us but wants us. Praise to You oh God and King. We worship because we love you. We love because You first Loved us.

To God all Honor and Glory

His love, so great and pure as snow, came upon the earth to cleanse us.

His grace deeper than the ocean where we become free.

We come in one accord to worship and praise, He who is above all, the King, the most High.

No other like Him, none can compare.

Glorious and divine, the heavens can’t even contain.

His splendor reflects from the oceans to the universe shouting, how great our God is!

Blessed is He who created a heart to love him, a soul in need of His great splendor.

Father I beseech Thee, come close to thine heart.

Teach it to be like Yours, to love and sing of Your greatness.

Be exalted! Hallelujah! We sing! Hallelujah!

Glory to the King of Kings, Always and forever more.


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