Letter 11 -Why Jesus? Jesus Is Why!-

Have you ever just sat down and thought, “why do we even need Jesus?” “What’s the point of Jesus?” “Why Jesus?”

If you take Jesus out of the equation, the equation does not make sense. It completely loses its value and point of existing. Obviously, you may be thinking. We need Jesus but why?

If humankind was made completely perfect. No flaws, just simply perfect. No such thing as sin, diseases, sickness and every horrible thing that you could think of–simply made perfect. Jesus would not make sense. His perfection would not be needed. Jesus’ flawlessness would not be needed and would not be used to pay off our debt.

You see, when God created Adam and Eve, He did just that. He made them to be perfectly eternal. To live with Him and have a wonderful life. The need for Jesus came about when Adam and Eve disobeyed the command that God gave them “Not to eat of the tree of Knowledge, aka good & evil”.

In that disobedience that was caused by their actions because even then they had a choice, they sinned. They could not undo that action. Once a nail is nailed to the wall that action cannot fully be undone. You can take the nail out of the wall but that hole created by the nail still remains.

Because the consequence of the action still remains there became a need for a Savior.

A Need for a Savior

Let me further explain. Adam and Eve sinned and they could not erase that sin so God kicked them out of the perfect eternal place that He created for them so that they would not eat of the tree of life and have sin be eternal. Once they sinned that perfection was also taken from within them therefore their human nature became flawed and along everything around them.

So here is where Jesus fits. Here is where Jesus became the perfection that we need.

God is pure. God is light. Light has nothing to do with darkness. You cannot mix water and oil, they simply do not go together. Because Adam and Eve sinned they were no longer in communion with God. They could no longer have anything to do with God because their sin separated them.

The Advocate

Jesus who has no sin was sent amongst humanity for the greatest gift of all. As a pathway to the Father! Since He was the only one that remained perfect, He is the only one that could meet with God and advocate for us, humanity as a whole.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6

This is why we have the ability to choose whether we want to serve God or not. It is not forced, it is solemnly up to you. That does not interfere with Jesus’ goodness. It does not interfere with Jesus’ plan. He does not need us but He chose us.

Is that not mind blowing!? That an almighty God chose you!? That an almighty God surrendered His son, Jesus for you!

Jesus did not have a leisure walk down the streets of Jerusalem trying to convince people or give them a show. He went out there with purpose. He went out there with a mission in mind and that was to make a way so that sinners like you and I could have an opportunity to be before the Father.

His Purpose

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.

John 15:13-14

The key is this. He laid down His life for His friends, are you His friend? Do you obey His commands or just go about your life claiming to be a ‘Christian’? It is so easy to get caught up in the lies of society, to say you belong to this or that to be included. Jesus does not care what you say. He cares about the actions that you take.

What do your actions say? Are you of God or against God?

Jesus has already made the way. Abide in Him and He will lead you to the Father. Once you truly meet Jesus, there is no way that your life remains the same. You become of friend of God.

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