Letter 2 -God is in control-

God is in control

You are in control. Time and time again You have showcased just that, that You are in control. Time is in Your hands yet it is like vanishing air to the people. You are the epitome of peace, You are peace in the midst of chaos. Grateful and hopeful Your people stand for You are their rock and their fortress.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing that can occur in our lives that will surprise You, God.

“Don’t be like them (those who babble), for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him!”

Matthew 6:8 NLT

Wow! Before any word comes out of your mouth He already knows what you are going to ask! What an awesome God! He does not want you to falsely praise “babble” but instead be bold when you approach the Throne.

It is truly amazing to serve a God that is in control of it all. He knew that one day you would be sitting behind a screen reading just this, affirming what you already know or what you have yet to discover. Wherever you are in your walk with God, start there. Our walk in Him is a progressive relationship. The book of Philippians tells us that we are being perfected and that He will bring it to completion.

Why the Trials…

Why the trials? I have asked myself the same question. Trials are not what we think they are. Yes trials are difficult and painful at times. But they are for our own good!

I have come to find out that some trials are given by God and others we accidentally stumble upon in our disobedience or lack of knowledge. I say accidentally in hopes that you are not choosing to disobey God willingly. The beautiful thing about God is that He does not miss an opportunity to help us grow. Whether of our own doing or because He needs us to go through the trial. No matter the reason -He Remains In Control.-

Nothing surprises God, nothing. It is important that I restate that phrase because it truly is important. Just because He knows what you are going to choose does not mean He takes away from that freedom.

“God is not man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not fulfill it?”

Numbers 23:19 ESV

His word stands. If He promises, He will fulfill it. If He speaks, He will complete it. He is a faithful, loving, and trusting God that is beyond our imagination and understanding.

‘”My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”‘

Isaiah 55:8-9 NLT

He is Superior! He is beyond our comprehension and He himself states it! It is in our best interest to surrender our thoughts and plans to Him. He is the ultimate guide to life, why not allow Him to lead?

When we choose to hold on to control, we limit God. Limiting God does not take away from His power. It does not stop Him from being God. It simply showcases how much of a gentleman He is that He respects your decisions. Does that mean that He agrees with all your decisions? No! But He patiently waits for you to surrender all control and allow Him to be the LITMIT-LESS God that He is!

Once again, He is not overbearing but Patient and Gentle. He is willing to wait for you. No matter how bad it all appears to be, now are you willing to give it all to Him knowing He has it all under control?

He awaits with open arms.

Letter 3–The Call to Wait

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