Letter 3 -The Call to Wait-

The Call To Wait

Is waiting on God a waste of time?

Many feel that waiting on God is a waste of time. They may not express it verbally but actions speak louder than words.

Often times we the people think that we can do a better job than God. For sure we can make things happen faster than God because we believe an opportunity has risen. Little do we know that the “opportunity” is actually a distraction from the enemy.

Yet, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our Potter, And we all are the work of Your hand.

Isaiah 64:8 (AMP)

“We are the clay and You our Potter,” what a beautiful analogy. We are as fragile as clay and He has the freedom to do as He pleases like the Potter. The clay does not tell the Potter what it wants to be or by when it shall be done. Instead it waits until the Potter picks it up and works on it. We need to wait and allow God to work on us as He pleases and when He sees the time is right.

When God tells us to wait, there are multiple things happening. One, He is testing our patience. Two, He is building good character and perseverance. Three, He is teaching us to rely on Him alone. Four, we are fighting against the enemy in many different spiritual attacks. Lastly, we are fighting against our own flesh.

Even though some of these points can be grouped into one, it is best to separate them to see and know what we are truly up against. By all means, do not be surprised if these things come grouped up as well. As the Potter of our lives, He wants us to thrive. To be practical and useful. To fulfill His purpose but still allowing us to choose. Even in our mistakes He uses it for our good. What a great God!

If you call out to God asking to change your heart, change your habits, and help you overcome. You bet He is going to do it! God can change anything and everything! He is the Potter! But the funny thing is that when it comes to our character and bad habits, He tests us! He puts us through the ring of fire to better mold us. He chips away the impurities but as He chips away it hurts. Though it hurts, it leads us to be who He has called us to be.

Strong and courageous in the faith but gentle and loving to reach and teach those for His Kingdom.

Although we go through the pain, the change, the wait, it is all for His Kingdom. We are puzzle pieces that He uses and He will use us differently each step of the way.

“…He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus,”

Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

God is in control! He began the good work therefore He is faithful to complete it. The length of the process depends you and your obedience to His calling. Be reassured that He will finish what He started.

So do not lose hope! Things take time. Step out in faith and know that He is at work, He is not done with you yet. Where you are standing is not the final destination. If you are willing and choose to obey what He has for you, what He has told you–it will come to pass.

Do not just sit and wait but do. Read His word, meditate on it. Let it be an anthem to your soul. Pray, speak to Him but also listen to hear what He has to say. Worship, truly worship with your heart mind and soul. Immerse yourself in Him and watch Him work.

He is the same God that took Israel out of Egypt, He is the same God that protected Daniel from the Lions, and He is the same God from the beginning and forevermore because there is no end to Him.

He is the Great I AM.

So will you allow yourself to be moldable clay in the hands of the Perfect Potter?

Letter 4–His Will

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