Letter 7 -This or That-

This or That

Have you ever experienced a moment where you have two options and you simply cannot decide which to choose so you end up going with both options? Yes, me too.

It is simple to fall into the trap that we simply need to have both or out life just may not function quite the same. Oh what a lie that is told to us by our own thoughts and society. We more than likely do not need any of both options, whatever it may be, as long as we have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies.

Having the option of this or that has become such the norm these days that we even apply that concept to our spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. It is quite interesting because God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit being One are very clear on this.

In Matthew 6:22-24(AMP), it is recorded that Jesus speaks on the matter.

“The eye is the lamp of the body; so if your eye is clear [spiritually perceptive], your whole body will be full of light [benefitting from God’s percepts]. But if your eye is bad [spiritually blind], your whole body will be full of darkness [devoid of God’s percepts]. So if the [very] light inside you [your inner self, your heart, your conscience] is darkness, how great and terrible is that darkness! No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord].

Eyes that see

Our eyes are an important factor to our walk in Christ Jesus. The Lord describes the eye like a lamp that guides our steps so that we do not trip, fall and get injured. Spiritually speaking what we see can make us trip but we have that option to get back up. If what we see is “far too tempting” it can make us fall into sin and the injury is to our spirit–giving that particular sin(demon) legal rights to camp out and wreak havoc.

For example: If you are riding a bike and someone is coming by and you need to scoot over, you naturally do it because your eyes see it. But if your eyes first catch a glimpse of the edge then the person, you try to calculate whether you fit or not, and all your focus ends up being on the edge as you ride by. Bam! You then fall into the edge because that was all your eyes could focus on rather than the wide road ahead.

A lamp guides, our eyes are meant to guide. What are your eyes focused on?

Before addressing that one cannot serve two masters the Lord makes it very clear that we need to be spiritually fit. When we are spiritually fit we are continuously exercising our relationship with Jesus. We exercise our relationship with Jesus by spending quality time with Him-praying, listening, diving into His word, and walking out what we preach. When one is spiritually fit the moments of this or that diminish because our priorities change.

Because our priorities change we have a better understanding what is pleasing to God. Therefore when you’re presented with options that do not please the Lord the decision will be very easy since you know who your master is.

If you are spiritually blind it will be easy to get fooled by the options that come before you and therefore it will be easy to fall into the trap of “serving two masters”. I put it in quotations because Jesus made it very clear that you cannot serve both, you serve one or the other. You serve Jesus Christ or the world [whatever is not pleasing to God].

You can know bible verses and Jesus’ story but that does not mean you know Jesus.

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, I am sorry to say that you are not a child of God. I share this because I love you and God loves you more to warn you and give you the opportunity to flip things around. Feel free to contact us and we can both seek God on the matter to help you get right with God.

Side Note

I will however be writing on the matter, “Getting Right with God”. When He gives me the green light to do so. I do not sit and write on my own accord. I seek Him and ask Him what it is that He wants me to write about.

Other times I am going about my day and He tells me what to write about and I do it. I share this to say that God is truly awaiting you. He is speaking to reach those whom He has called His. He is speaking because He became human with that purpose, to save those who run and hide under His wing.

All in all, you cannot serve two masters. That does not mean you cannot enjoy things. The way to measure things by is ‘if they take number one priority in your heart’. If anything other than God is first in your life, then you are serving another master that is not Jesus Christ. He alone shall be and should be first in our lives.

Letter 8–A Firm Foundation

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