Letter 9 -The Finger Pointers-

The Finger Pointers

Definition of ‘finger pointer’- Someone who makes a mistake and expects forgiveness and to be seen in a positive light but turns around to someone else that also makes a mistake and shames them instead of having that same compassion and grace that they received from others and God.

–Up and Personal–

Growing up in a church my whole life up to my late 20s was exhausting. Not so much when I was a child because of the kid activities but the moment I stepped foot into the ‘Junior’ category that is when things changed. It began when the same world that they were continuously condemning began to look enticing. I firmly believe that it became enticing because we heard more about the world and the things that we should not do instead of hearing more of who Jesus was and is and why it is important to have a relationship with HIm.

Yes they shared, “Jesus loves you”, “He gave His life for you” but what does all that mean to someone who has no clue who He truly was and is? It was indeed an emotional topic but what more? God is not about emotions, He is about decisions.

Do’s & Don’ts

A laundry list of ‘do not dos’ does not explain the why, it does not say anything about Jesus. So what did it all really mean? To a growing teenager it is nothing but rules in order to be controlled but that is not what Jesus wants. In not understanding the wrong in something it allows room for someone to fall into that temptation. In the simple act of making a mistake one is already shamed, looked down upon and labeled to what seems to be the rest of your life.

The very same people that claimed they would be there no matter what because the “Love of Christ” lived in them and they “cared” are the very same people that turned their back on what seemed to be the most vulnerable time of my life.

In a time when I did not know who Christ was.

A time when I did not completely understand the concept of sin, what it did and truly meant.

In a time where I felt more lost and confused.

In a time when I thought fitting in with the world was what was right because all I heard was the ‘no(s)’ instead of being taught how to have a relationship with Jesus.

What more did they expect of a teenager.

Perfection. Simply because they gave their list of Shouldn’t do’s

Instead of being Christ to a person that could not see Christ in the moment–they became the finger pointers. The ones who named me the black sheep of the heard.


God is not like humans!

I am grateful to God that He never gave up on me. That even though I kept messing up He had His arms wide open for me to run to.

I am so grateful that God is not who I witnessed growing up by those who claimed to know it all. That God is indeed patient, loving, and waiting for us to have an epiphany and understand that He is by far more than what people make Him out to be. That He is indeed who He says He is. The only way to know who He truly is, is by reading the Bible and asking Him to reveal Himself to us. To have a personal relationship with Him.

He is a merciful and all forgiving God.

A God that does Not hold on to any wrongs. If you sincerely repent and turn away from such things that He hates.

The God that saw me. Me.

A person who was lost, hurt, and alone.

A person so in need of His unmerited love and forgiveness.

Jesus is

That is who Jesus Christ is. A God that has His arms wide open for those that choose to run to HIm. That is why Jesus Christ died on the cross. For every single person that has ever felt what I felt and more. He is here for EVERYONE who CHOOSES HIM.

God wants to cleanse us from our sins. To cleanse us once we repent and turn away from that life that only separates us from Him.

He took it all and erased every single mistake ever made before truly knowing who He was because He knew that one day You and I would come to this point. To this point of laying down our lives so that He could live in us and redeem us from the darkness of this world.

When I repented, asked God for forgiveness, got baptized to be cleansed and died to my old life… GOD WAS FAITHFUL TO HIS WORD!

He Forgave me.

Cleansed me.

Renewed me.

Filled me with the Holy Spirit.

And has continued to show me who He is as we walk hand in hand in this life.

That does not mean I am perfect. But it does mean that I AM NOT who the finger pointers said I was! I AM who GOD says I am!

Stepping into it

If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose].

1 John 1:9 AMP

He showers us with His peace, His love, and all that He is. This is what happens when we choose to freely surrender our lives to Him. We become who He has called us to be.

It is a process! A daily walk. A conscience effort of allowing God to renew our minds and habits. Of being set free of bondage through the power of Jesus Christ! The things that we say and do have power both in the world and spiritually! (I will speak more on this topic in a future letter!)

Guard your heart friends with the Hands of Jesus

“Come now let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.

Isaiah 1:18 NLT

Jesus does not hold on to what we did after choosing to live a life for Him. What is in the past, truly stays in the past. He cleanses us to forget and let go but we must truly let go as well.

This is what baptism is for! You bury the old person, crucifying it with Christ! And rise out of the water, rising up with Christ as new person!

That means a clean slate! White as snow! That does not mean the process is over but it does mean that Jesus meets us where we are in our understanding with Him.

He truly lets go of what use to be you because it is no longer you! Once you choose to die to that version of you, it is done!

Let go and let God

Once we allow God to be our Lord the process of renewing our minds and habits begin. It is a process where you unlearn what is displeasing to God. A process where healing takes place and new habits are built. So do not get discouraged! Allow the process a.k.a. God to do what He does best!

So who cares what the finger pointers say! They have no idea who Jesus is! Because if they did, they would do what Jesus did. Sit and eat with the sinners to lead them to true salvation and freedom!

Do not give up now friend, it is not too late!

Our God can do the impossible! He can do what no one can, that is set you free from all that is suffocating you and crippling your life!

He is calling!

Will you answer?

Letter 10-Against the Crowd-

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