Letter 1 -Fam(ily)-I Love You


In the beginning God created men for God, a man and a woman. He created them in His likeness both in appearance and characteristics. A fellow believer, David Pawson put it this way, that He, God, created you and I because He wanted a bigger family. Mind blowing! God purposefully created you and I because He wants us. He chose to have us for himself, for His glory. 

Unfortunately, in the beginning when men was created satan decided to come ruin God’s design, His family. He, satan used his deceiving ways to make them, men & women believe that something was missing in their lives when in reality they had it all. They Knew Jesus and Jesus knew them. What more could they have asked for? Every single one of their needs were met in Him, Jesus.

The enemy, like a thief came to “steal and kill and destroy…”

John 10:10 NIV

  This very thing is evident since the beginning. When reading the Creation story it is so obvious how satan stole truth from Adam and Eve. Killed their innocence, and in essence destroyed them because they no longer had that direct communication with God. God cannot have a relationship with darkness.

Jesus being the perfect God that He is established a law that He Himself will not go against. Not because He cannot go against it but because He is not man to lie nor cheat.

“God is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change his mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?”

Numbers 23:19 NIV

When God speaks that is what is going to happen. He is a God of His word. He is a Just and Righteous God. Perfect He is! A term that we cannot fully comprehend because of the fallen nature within us.

God is the light, He has nothing to do with darkness which is why He cannot have anything to do with those who choose to dabble in darkness. You simply cannot serve two masters. 

In His Image

When Jesus made us, He made us to be in the light. He did not intend for us to take any part in darkness but being the good God that He is, He gave us the freedom to choose. Freedom to choose to love Him or to simply walk away, though the consequences are not simple. It legitimately costs your life because once again, He will not have anything to do with darkness. 

Choosing to love Jesus and live for Him is not easy but it is worth it. He made us to be a part of His family which is the reason why He came to fulfill the law so that we would have the ability to be part of His family once again. Jesus dying on the cross is meant to pay every debt of those choosing to live for Him. Jesus defeated death and bought us back with His blood from death so that we could be part of His Kingdom.

“Greater Love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends,”

John 15:13 ESV

Jesus’ love is beyond our understanding. He loves us so much that He gave His life so that we could have the opportunity to return back into His arms where we were meant to be. Jesus created family and nothing breaks family except sin.

It is up now to you, do you want to be part of Jesus’ family? 

Letter 2–God is in Control

: Letter 1 -Fam(ily)-I Love You
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