You Alone Are Good, Only You

You alone are good. You are the definition of good. Outside of You nothing compares. Nothing suffice. You Lord are everything. Everything. I have no words Lord, You are all. Almighty You are. Magnificent You are. King You are. You are Lord. You are Majestic. My mind cannot comprehend who You are. But I know that You are worth it all. I know my soul longs for You. You are my creator. My friend. My Father. 

Lord, Lord You alone are worthy of all praise. I lift my eyes to You. I bow down at Your feet. My tongue shouts Holy. You are Holy. What is Holy? You are! The definition of Holy is You. You alone are who You say You are. To You my heart sings. For You my heart cries out. You are worthy. Holy. King. 

You alone are worthy. Worthy of all glory, all honor and all praise. Jesus. There are no words to describe how wonderful You are. My heart rejoices at the sound of Your voice. My spirit dances at Your touch. You are good beyond measure. How can one measure how magnificent you are? No one. Not one soul can. Thank You Lord. Thank You for Your goodness. We do not deserve You. We do not deserve anything You give, yet you give freely. How amazing You are Jesus. Blessed are You. Blessed is our Lord our King. To You we shout Holy! Holy, Holy Holy!

Everything in Heaven & on Earth

All the earth worships You. Everything in heaven, everything on earth, on the surface and beneath the surface–all worship is for You. You are our creator. You are our King. There is no one like You Father. There is no one that compares to Your glory and splendor.

I can thank You and glorify you all day long and it still would not be enough. For nothing compares to what you did on calvary. You gave Your life that we may have life. You gave Your life so that we would be able to be forgiven. So that we may be able to reconnect to You. You died on the cross for us. Oh how wonderful You are. Oh how magnificent you are. How can we ever thank You?

I have nothing that could ever repay You but my life. My life is yours Lord. You alone are King over my life. You alone deserve all that I am. I am Yours.

Thank you Lord. Thank you for all that you do for us.

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