No Mystery to Me

Dedication :

To the one who feels low and unworthy. To the one who has believed the voices of those who carry judgment and lies. I do not see you like they do. You are precious to Me. I created You with my own two hands. My very breath is the air in your lungs. I gave you purpose and a mission to fulfill. I see you.

A poem from God to You

Since before time, I knew of your existence. 

Between you and I, there is no such thing as distance. 

You were beautifully and wonderfully made in your mother’s womb. 

Carefully chosen, into a young individual you have wonderfully bloomed. 

I feed and clothe the wild animals and flower fields. 

Yet you are worth far more, so your soul I shield. 

I have been waiting with arms wide open ready to receive you.

Knocking at your heart and hoping to get through.

Never will I ever force you to be mine.

For I am One who is Patient, Gentle, and Kind.

My beloved, you, I will never forsake.

Have no doubt that you were ever a mistake. 

In my Kingdom I have called you to be. 

To share my Love and on earth be my hands and feet. 

For your sins, I gave my One and Only begotten Son. 

That battle over you has already been won. 

My love for you will endure forever. 

And to you, I have written many letters. 

Letters not only declaring my love but victory in your life. 

Words that are sharper than any double edge knife. 

I love you unconditionally. 

No force or power that is against you can stand before Me. 

I Am the One above all, every knee shall bow. 

The letters I have given are my words, my vow. 

My little one be weary not for I am here for you. 

Come, I will give you peace and freedom too. 

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